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  I earn (£)
  And I am paid every
  Margin (£)
  Student Loan
  PostGraduate Loan


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  Hours per Week
  Tax Code
  Mileage expenses (£)
Contractor Name (optional)
Employment Business Name (optional)
Download illustration & KID as PDF

(KID – Key Information Document)

Workplace Pension
Workplace Pension
Outside IR35 PSC
No Expenses
No Pension
Assignment Rate / Contract Rate / Umbrella Rate 0 0 0
Net Pay 0 0 0
Assignment Income / Contract Rate / Umbrella Income 0 0 0
SmartWork Margin 0 0 0
Sub-Total 0 0 0
Mileage Expenses that are not re-billable to client 0 0 0
Other Business Deductions (e.g. Pension) - - -
Net Assignment Income 0 0 0
Employer Deductions
Net Assignment Income 0 0 0
Employer National Insurance 0 0 0
Apprenticeship Levy 0 0 0
Employer Pension 0 0 -
Gross Pay for NI and Pension 0 0 0
Payslip Details
Gross Pay exc. Mileage Expenses 0 0 0
Salary 0 0 0
Holiday Pay (paid in advance) 0 0 0
Notice Pay (paid in advance) 0 0 0
Bonus 0 0 0
Total Gross Pay inc. Mileage Expenses 0 0 0
Employee Deductions Breakdown
Equivalent Annual Gross Salary 0 0 0
Employee Pension 5% 0 0 0
Gross Pay for Tax 0 0 0
PAYE Tax 0 0 0
Income Tax at Basic Rate (20%) 0 0 0
Income Tax at Higher Rate (40%) 0 0 0
Income Tax at 45% 0 0 0
Employee National Insurance 0 0 0
Student Loan 0 0 0
Postgraduate Loan 0 0 0
Total Employee Deductions 0 0 0
Accountancy Fees & EL, PL & PI Insurance 0 0 0
Corporation Tax 26.5% 0 0 0
Dividends 0 0 0
Tax on Dividends 0 0 0
Net Pay 0 0 0
Retained Income
Net Pay less Mileage Expenses 0 0 0
Mileage Expenses 0 0 0
Funds Transferred (Excluding £100k+ Threshold Impact) 0 0 0
Effective Net Pay 0 0 0
Total Pension 0 0 0
Total (Funds Transferred and Pension) 0 0 0

This pay illustration is intended to show you the deductions that will be made from your pay. It is for illustrative purposes only. - Assumptions:
Funds Transferred takes into consideration a full Personal Allowance with a tax code of 1257L W1 based on working 52 weeks.
Effective Net Pay takes into account the reduction in Personal Allowance for annual income over £100,000 based on working 52 weeks.
Your Personal Allowance reduces by £1 for every £2 that your gross pay exceeds £100,000. This means your allowance is zero if your income is £125,140 or above. No income from other sources for the tax year.
Mileage claims are subject to SDC checks to determine if eligible. You will be considered to be working under SDC conditions unless formally assessed otherwise.
Mileage Expenses are processed through SmartWork and only reflected in this illustration if requested. Mileage is calculated at 45p per mile (25p after 10,000 miles)
Other non-rebillable Business Expenses are recovered through your annual Self Assessment Tax Return.
Re-billable Expenses (client-approved and with receipts) are paid separately to you, without charges or deductions
This table is for illustration purposes only and is based on English 2025/26 tax and NI rates. Actual values will vary based on your personal circumstances.
Equivalent Annual Gross Salary is calculated over 46.4 weeks worked in the year to cater for 28 days holiday leave per year.
Your holiday pay will be paid to you in advance of taking annual leave and this amount will be clearly stated on your payslip

Hourly Rate Hours per Week Tax Code Mileage Expenses
Workplace Pension
Workplace Pension
Outside IR35 PSC
No Expenses
No Pension
Assignment Rate / Contract Rate / Umbrella Rate 0 0 0
Net Pay 0 0 0
Assignment Income / Contract Rate / Umbrella Income 0 0 0
SmartWork Margin 0 0 0
Sub-Total 0 0 0
Mileage Expenses that are not re-billable to client 0 0 0
Other Business Deductions (e.g. Pension) - - -
Net Assignment Income 0 0 0


Employer Deductions
Net Assignment Income 0 0 0
Employer National Insurance 0 0 0
Apprenticeship Levy 0 0 0
Employer Pension 0 0 -
Gross Pay for NI and Pension 0 0 0


Payslip Details
Gross Pay exc. Mileage Expenses 0 0 0
Salary 0 0 0
Holiday Pay (paid in advance) 0 0 0
Notice Pay (paid in advance) 0 0 0
Bonus 0 0 0
Total Gross Pay inc. Mileage Expenses 0 0 0
Employee Deductions Breakdown
Equivalent Annual Gross Salary 0 0 0
Employee Pension 5% 0 0 0
Gross Pay for Tax 0 0 0
PAYE Tax 0 0 0
Income Tax at Basic Rate (20%) 0 0 0
Income Tax at Higher Rate (40%) 0 0 0
Income Tax at 45% 0 0 0
Employee National Insurance 0 0 0
Student Loan 0 0 0
Postgraduate Loan 0 0 0
Total Employee Deductions 0 0 0
Accountancy Fees & EL, PL & PI Insurance 0 0 0
Corporation Tax 26.5% 0 0 0
Dividends 0 0 0
Tax on Dividends 0 0 0
Net Pay 0 0 0

Retained Income
Net Pay less Mileage Expenses 0 0 0
Mileage Expenses 0 0 0
Funds Transferred (Excluding £100k+ Threshold Impact) 0 0 0
Effective Net Pay 0 0 0
Total Pension 0 0 0
Total (Funds Transferred and Pension) 0 0 0

This pay illustration is intended to show you the deductions that will be made from your pay. It is for illustrative purposes only. - Assumptions:

  • Funds Transferred takes into consideration a full Personal Allowance with a tax code of 1257L W1 based on working 52 weeks.
  • Effective Net Pay takes into account the reduction in Personal Allowance for annual income over £100,000 based on working 52 weeks.
  • Your Personal Allowance reduces by £1 for every £2 that your gross pay exceeds £100,000. This means your allowance is zero if your income is £125,140 or above. No income from other sources for the tax year.
  • Mileage claims are subject to SDC checks to determine if eligible. You will be considered to be working under SDC conditions unless formally assessed otherwise.
  • Mileage Expenses are processed through SmartWork and only reflected in this illustration if requested. Mileage is calculated at 45p per mile (25p after 10,000 miles)
  • Other non-rebillable Business Expenses are recovered through your annual Self Assessment Tax Return.
  • Re-billable Expenses (client-approved and with receipts) are paid separately to you, without charges or deductions
  • This table is for illustration purposes only and is based on English 2025/26 tax and NI rates. Actual values will vary based on your personal circumstances.
  • Equivalent Annual Gross Salary is calculated over 46.4 weeks worked in the year to cater for 28 days holiday leave per year.
  • Your holiday pay will be paid to you in advance of taking annual leave and this amount will be clearly stated on your payslip


Smartwork Calculator & Key Information Document

Key Information Document


This document sets out key information about your relationship with us and the intermediary or umbrella company used in your engagement, including details about pay, holiday entitlement and other benefits. The money earned on your assignments will be transferred to the umbrella company (SmartWork) as part of their income. They will then pay you your wage. All the deductions made which affect your wage are listed below. At the bottom you will find a representative example of monthly salary with all relevant deduction. If you have any queries about these please contact us.


Further information can be found from Recruitment Agency and/or


The Employment Agency Standards (EAS) Inspectorate is the government authority responsible for the enforcement of certain agency worker rights. You can raise a concern with them directly on 020 7215 5000 or through the Acas helpline on 0300 123 1100, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.



Your name: 0
Name of employment business: 0
Name of intermediary or umbrella company: Ltd
Your employer: Ltd
Type of contract you will be engaged under: Permanent Employment Contract
Who will be responsible for paying you: Ltd
How often the umbrella company and you will be paid:


You are being paid through an intermediary or umbrella company: a third-party organisation that will calculate your tax and other deductions and then pay you for the work undertaken for the hirer.

The money earned on your assignments will be transferred to the umbrella company as part of their income. They will then pay you your wage. All the deductions made which affect your wage are listed below. If you have any queries about these please contact us.

Your payslip may show you as an employee of the umbrella company listed below.

Name of intermediary or umbrella company: Ltd
Any business connection between the intermediary or umbrella company, the employment business and the person responsible for paying you: The Employment Business and the umbrella company are not connected
Expected or minimum gross rate of pay transferred to the intermediary or umbrella company from us: £0 (also known as Assignment Income,
Contract Rate and Umbrella Rate)
Deductions from intermediary or umbrella income required by law: Employers National Insurance (NIERS), Apprenticeship Levy, Employer’s pension contribution - 3%, if applicable, Holiday Pay (accrued or advanced)
Any other deductions from umbrella income (to include amounts or how they are calculated): £0 SmartWork margin retained by SmartWork from Assignment Income / Contract Rate "&" Optional personal pension/SIPP scheme margin £25 per month, Additional deduction for contribution to pension (if applicable)

Expected or minimum rate of pay to you: Minimum Rate of Pay = The hours you have worked multiplied by National Minimum Wage.
Deductions from your wage required by law: Income Tax & National Insurance
Any other deductions or costs taken from your wage (to include amounts or how they are calculated: Employee’s Pension Contributions – 5%, if applicable, If relevant – student or postgraduate loan deductions, If relevant – earnings attachment orders
Any fees for goods or services: None
Holiday entitlement and pay: 28 Days per annum, inclusive of bank holidays, pro rata accordingly. This is paid at 12.07 % (choice of advance or payment as leave taken)
Additional benefits: Statutory Benefits, Discretionary Bonus subject to the terms of the Contract of Employment, Workplace & Private Pension scheme

Example Pay Number Intermediary or umbrella Margin Worker fees
1 Example gross rate of pay to intermediary or umbrella company from us: £0 x 0 0 = £0
2 Deductions from intermediary or umbrella income required by law: Employer’s NI: £0
Apprenticeship Levy: £0
Employer Pension: £0
3 Any other deductions or costs taken from intermediary or umbrella income: £00 retained from gross umbrella income
4 Example rate of pay to you: Pay: £0
5 Deductions from your pay required by law: Employee Pension Contributions: £0
Employee’s NI: £0
PAYE tax: £0
6 Any other deductions or costs taken from your pay: N/A
7 Any fees for goods or services: N/A
8 Example net take home pay: Net Pay £0

* In this example we have assumed you are eligible for and opted into the auto enrolment pension scheme.


A employer and employer pension contribution will be paid to the pension provider in addition to the net pay.